Becoming a Member
Joining Audubon is to join millions of people throughout the world who enjoy nature in all of its wonder. Audubon Magazine, a bimonthly publication for Audubon members, is unsurpassed in presenting the beauty of the natural world in its myriad of form and essence. Birds, of course! They share our world from the streets of the Triad, to Borneo or Greenland. But there is much more. Through the magazine’s pictorial essays and narrative we view nature throughout the world, and gain insight into the problems confronting our planet and all of its inhabitants. T. Gilbert Pearson Audubon Society, one of many chapters in North Carolina, is pleased to serve Greensboro, High Point and the other communities of Guilford County, though we have members in other areas, even in other states. We welcome new members, their ideas and participation. We strongly encourage joining our chapter by joining the National Audubon Society, and receiving the many benefits from belonging to this great organization, not the least of which is the Audubon Magazine, and membership in our chapter. The cost is $20.00 for one year. Thank you, and enjoy!!
We need you to help us continue our work. If you are not yet a member of Audubon, download our membership form, fill it out, and mail it in to us. Or to join online, go to National Audubon’s membership page and use Chapter Code R51.