Halley is the Wildlife Center Supervisor at the North Carolina Zoo’s Wildlife Rehabilitation Center overseeing rehabilitation practices, center operations, and mentoring of volunteers, interns and students. A graduate from Lewis and Clark College in Portland, OR with a Bachelor of Science in Biology, Halley is also Certified Veterinary Technician and Certified Wildlife Rehabilitator with 15+ years of emergency, exotic, zoo and wildlife medicine and husbandry experience. She is Co-Founder, Co-President of Association of Wildlife Veterinary Technicians and Nurses. She has completed graduate level course work in animal population management and animal nutrition as well as training in Traditional Veterinary Medicine for Veterinary Technicians and becoming a Certified Equine Sports Massage Therapist. She’s an experienced field biologist mist-netting, trapping, banding, tracking and radio-collaring birds; currently holding a USFW banding permit and conducting post-release survival studies on commonly rehabilitated and reared backyard birds. She works with birds, herps, bears and otters, just to name a few.
Description of Talk:
Wildlife Rehabilitation is the temporary care and subsequent release of indigenous animals that have been sick, injured and/or orphaned due to anthropogenic impact. This talk will invite you into what it takes to work with native wild animals, the challenges and success in keeping the wild in wildlife while working to return them to their wild spaces. There will be lots of opportunities to ask questions and learn about wildlife rehabilitation. A powerpoint will be presented along with the talk for a peek into the behind-the-scenes care at the center.