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Autumn Cleanup at the Audubon Natural Area (ANA)

Autumn Cleanup Planned at ANA


Calling all volunteers for The Big Sweep Cleanup, one of three annual cleanup events held in conjunction with Greensboro Beautiful.  We’ll gather Saturday, October 8 at 9:00 for a couple of hours of grabbing and bagging along the trails, streets, and creek in and around the Audubon Natural Area.  

Plan on bringing tick repellent, sturdy shoes, sturdy gloves, and grabbers if you have them.  We’ll supply bags, buckets, and safety vests for those doing curbside areas.  We also have a limited supply of gloves and grabbers.  Dress appropriately if you plan to pick up litter in and along North Buffalo Creek.

The ANA is located along Tankersley Drive, which runs behind Moses Cone Hospital from North Church Street to North Elm Street.  You can park in the hospital parking lot, or on the gravel area at the ANA entrance sign by driving over the curb.

Questions can be addressed to Jim Eldrett, ANA Steward, at