It's Time for T. Gilbert Pearson Audubon Society's Annual Fundraiser!

 Proceeds from the sale support our ongoing local conservation projects.


Bird seed and suet will be sold only by pre-order. Pre-orders must be received no later than Wednesday, September 30, 2020, for pick up Saturday, October 3, 2020, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. at Wild Birds Unlimited, 2920-A Martinsville Road, Greensboro 27408. 336.282.4458. 

Mail your completed pre-order and check (payable to Pearson Audubon) to:   

                        TGPAS Bird Seed Fundraiser                      Questions?

                        P. O. Box 10157                                              Call Lynne Gray                     

                        Greensboro, NC 27404                                 336.315.6415

Clip and mail the form below with your check.  Keep the top as a reminder.

Or use the PayPal button to electronically send you payment. If you choose to use PayPal, please be sure to email a copy of your order form to Lynne Gray at